Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Blog Post 11

After watching the videos about Ms. Cassidy's class being involved with technology, I am very motivated to do the same with my classroom. I loved seeing the different ways that technology was used in her classroom. Her students looked like they really enjoyed learning because they were able to do their work on the computer or the smart board. They mentioned in the video that they loved writing in there blogs because it helped them with their writing and sight words. I believe that it is very important for students to enjoy learning so they will never get bored or tired of doing the same thing every single day. Technology has so many different ways for you to learn and have fun at it. I can see myself having a class web page and allowing my future students to access it and play games or learn about material that will help them in my classroom. I love the fact that in Skype interview with Ms. Cassidy she mentioned that she uses her students' class blogs as a portfolio of their work. The children also mentioned that they loved self learning. They would get on books, work on there sight words,and also the alphabet. They said that they work with the wikis working with traditions and rituals to get all of there information. They even had fun learning the alphabet song they the Alabama group. And what kids wouldn't like to bring there Nintendo DS to school and not get in trouble as long as they could play it. I love the fact that parents can go on the student's blog at any time and see the progress that is being made by there children. I cannot agree more with Ms. Cassidy on the fact that technology will never go away. Like she said in the interview, we cannot teach the students with the same kind of materials that were used several years ago because so much has changed.

As a future teacher, I plan to incorporate technology everyday in my classroom. Like I said earlier, I plan to have a web page for my classroom where I will have links and games for the students to broaden there minds. I also plan to allow students to use the smart board as well. Students love being able to play with technology and they see it as a treat. If learning on the smart board motivates them to pay attention in class, I am all for it! Students that have ADD or ADHD I think this would be a great thing for them because as long as they are moving around and staying busy they are never bored. As Ms. Cassidy explained, safety on the internet is a very important matter. I will most definitely teach my students the importants' of staying safe on the internet. And never putting there picture nor there last name. I will also make sure that I send home a letter to every parent asking for their permission for their child's work to be posted on their blog. I will make sure that all of my students have blogs because I like the fact that colleges like us comment and put smiles and these children's faces. I also agree with Ms Cassidy that every teacher should know something about technology because it is our future. I have learned several different approaches to using technology in my classroom by watching the videos of Ms. Cassidy.

1 comment:

  1. You made a wonderful point, Vicki, that I had never thought of before now. The use of Smart technology can most definitely aid students with attention deficit disorders. I think with the many variety of children's cartoons that are available now are too busy and puts their little brains on overload. The tools available through a Smart board helps compensate for student's boredom while at school. Wonderful post!
